"Walk, as if you are kissing the earth with your feet!"
Been There Doon That was established as a Dehradun based walking group. Frankly, many of us did not believe we would come this far. And yet, almost a decade later, we still seem to be walking strong, across the Himalayas!
Today, we have spread out to many cities and towns. We are a community of about 90,000 people, connected with each other through events, walks, social media platforms and simply - the love for simplicity!
We believe in slow tourism, which connects us to over eleven village communities.
We believe in walking, which brings us close to who we are, and allows us to travel without a carbon footprint.
We believe in going local, which keeps us in tune with global travel trends.
We are just one large happy family that believes in the simple pleasures of going places while caring for the planet and for our heritage.
And today, we invite you to join us...come, walk and discover a new you.